Articles & Education

Mecca Integrated Medical Center

Patient Empowerment

Patients are automatically empowered when they are respected as being people who are entitled to understand and know about their care. There is ample research that shows that health outcomes are better and it is encouraged for patients to build a relationship with their healthcare professional. The term ‘patient empowerment’…
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Vigilant Handwashing

  One thing for sure that the coronavirus health crisis has taught us, is the importance of washing our hands. Consistent handwashing kills germs and helps prevent the spread of disease. So, let’s review again proper handwashing techniques. Be sure to wash your hands before and after you prepare food,…
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Protein Is A Macronutrient

  Protein is considered a “macronutrient,” meaning that we need relatively large amounts of it to stay healthy. Children need more protein than usual during growth spurts and women need more during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Protein is a nutrient the body needs to grow and repair cells and so we…
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Change Your Brain For The Better

Exercise is fantastic for your mind. Studies show that exercise changes the brain in ways that protect memory and thinking skills. Sure, the obvious reasons to exercise would be to lessen the chances of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Or perhaps to lose a bit of weight or lower…
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What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation refers to your body’s process of fighting against things that harm it – such as infections, injuries and toxins –  in an attempt to heal itself. When something damages your cells, the body releases chemicals that trigger a response from the immune system. But sometimes, our body’s defense system…
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Simple Tips to Improve Your Concentration

Do you often forget a person’s name minutes after meeting them? Are you easily distracted? In the digital age we now live in, it can be difficult to stay focused. According to a Microsoft study, people now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish! Whereas a goldfish can maintain…
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Optimize Your Immunity

Your body’s nervous system controls and optimizes your immunity. Your nervous system is like an air traffic controller that directs the army of the immune system in detecting and eliminating invaders. The more powerful your immune system, the less likely you are to succumb to a virus or cold. As…
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Getting Enough Vitamin B?

Are you feeling more tired than usual? Do you have bouts of lightheadedness? Are you suffering from tingling or numbness in your hands and feet? You may not be getting enough Vitamin B. B vitamins affect our energy levels, brain function and cell metabolism.  They help our body make red…
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Curb Your Appetite

  It is astonishing how easy it can be for the extra pounds to creep up on us, especially as we age. Putting on a few extra pounds here and there may not seem significant but over the course of a few years, it can ultimately result in a considerable…
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The Importance of Sunscreen

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States? One in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer. The deadliest form of skin cancer, melanoma, is responsible for most of the deaths from skin cancer. The number of people diagnosed with…
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