Ultralign Technique Research & Studies:
Validation of the force and frequency characteristics of the activator adjusting instrument: effectiveness as a mechanical impedance measurement tool.
By Keller TS, Colloca CJ, Fuhr AW. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, USA
Measurement and analysis of the in vivo posteroanterior impulse response of the human thoracolumbar spine: a feasibility study.
By Nathan M, Keller TS. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington 05405-0156.
Studies on the transmission of vibrations in human organism exposed to low-frequency whole-body vibration.
By Zagórski J, Jakubowski R, Solecki L, Sadlo A, Kasperek W.
A Comparative Study of Cervical Hysteresis Characteristics after Various
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) Modalities
September 25th 2010
Copyright 2010 Sigma Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.
Precious L. Barnes OMSV, Francisco Laboy III DO, Lauren Noto-Bell DO, Jeffery Nelson OMSIV, Veronica Ferencz OMSV, Alexander Nicholas DO, FAAO, Michael L. Kuchera DO, FAAO
Human Performance & Biomechanics Laboratory of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging; Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19131 USA
Background: Despite apparent clinical benefits, few objective tissue texture measurements exist documenting post-OMT change. Spineliner® technology was used to analyze a portion of the cervical hysteresis curve; of four components used to calculate a durometer, motoricity (area under the curve) and fixation (tissue resistance) were analyzed before and after OMT.
Hypothesis: Cervical tissues will show a quantifiable decrease in fixation and motoricity changes after OMT.
Materials & Methods: 200 subjects were equally and randomly assigned to receive Sham or single-segmental Muscle Energy (ME), Counterstrain (CS), Balanced Ligamentous Tension (BLT), or High-Velocity Low-Amplitude (HVLA) OMT. After palpatory diagnosis for somatic dysfunction, subjects were objectively measured (Spineliner®), treated with cervical OMT, and then remeasured (Spineliner®).
Results: Statistically significant or highly suggestive changes in motoricity (OA, C2-C5) and fixation (OA, C3, C5-6) were seen post-OMT. Regardless of treatment type, the most significant changes in fixation and motoricity occurred at C5. There was an overall trend suggesting that of these procedures, ME provides the greatest immediate improvement of hysteresis characteristics. While fixation immediately increased at C2 when using BLT, HVLA, or CS (in worsening order), it showed immediate improvement with ME. A suggestive motoricity trend was also observed at the level of the OA, inferring an improved treatment response was obtained with BLT, HVLA, CS, and ME (least to most responsive order).
Conclusion: Comparing treated to untreated cervical spines, nearly all levels demonstrated immediate objective hysteresis change post-OMT. C5 showed the most change regardless of treatment type; ME provided the greatest immediate change.
Topical Theme: Differential Diagnosis in Functional Disorders
Contact/Corresponding Information:
Professor Michael L. Kuchera
Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
4190 City Avenue
Philadelphia PA 19131